Communication Services

The Impact Of Net Zero Emissions On Telecom Industry

<p>India has announced a net-zero emissions target by 2070 at <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A6861157610243018752" data-attribute-index="0">#COP26</a>. This will have direct implications on Telecom, non-conventional Energy supply, transport system -like EV, Industry Automation, Health care systems like air quality and finally the education system to source new vertical knowledge resources.<br />&nbsp;<br />For telecom this will have a direct impact on the growth and ecosystem:<br />1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Data Centers which are expected to use 75,000MW in next five years in a distributed architecture enabling edge computing at around 8000 locations<br />2.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Telecom towers in which 20% opex is energy and is quite big numbers due to volume. expected to incase 30-40% due to digital transformation<br />3.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Carbon emission by of DG and find alternative like variable green energy and battery innovations<br />4.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Use of solar sites for air conditioning- pooling with Solar fridge at rural locations<br />5.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For the short and mid-term find out a viable solution for telecom services restoration with a focus on DR-DC, path diversity, media diversity, strict process and governance<br />&nbsp;<br />With AI-ML and Data analytics, there will be emphasis of Auto site switch off, power optimization, resource sharing, new opportunities with software-based tools will emerge to offer value add in net zero emissions with new innovations</p><p><br /><a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A6861157610243018752" data-attribute-index="1">#telecom</a>&nbsp;<a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A6861157610243018752" data-attribute-index="2">#ai</a>&nbsp;<a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A6861157610243018752" data-attribute-index="3">#digitaltransformation</a>&nbsp;<a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A6861157610243018752" data-attribute-index="4">#india</a>&nbsp;<a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A6861157610243018752" data-attribute-index="5">#automation</a>&nbsp;<a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A6861157610243018752" data-attribute-index="6">#education</a>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
KR Expert - Arvind Pandey

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